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Installing to any drive other than C

Installing to any drive other than C:

If you have to install appllications to anyother Physical Drive (not network drive) you can do so in the following way.

default INSTALLDIR : C:\Program Files\Dir1
Change to D:\Program Files\Dir1

1. In the MSI Script create a custom action
In "User Interface" just after "Cost Finalize"
"Set Directory" give it a Name , choose the directory by browsing to
ProgramFilesFolder\Dir1 and in the third Blank Space enter "D:\Program Files\Dir1"

2. Create the same Custom action in "Execute Immediate" just after "Cost Finalize" also

This installation works fine as long as D: is a valid Drive, it does not work on drives that were created using "Subst.exe" Command.

Posted by Prasanna Kumar

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